'Tis the Season - Beware Phone Scams!

Phone scams happen all year round but seemingly more so during the holiday season. Scammers prey on the "giving" season. Please use your common sense: Never give out or confirm your name, personal information (social security #/Date of Birth), address, or BANK ACCOUNT information. If you think the caller could possibly be legit, simply ask for their name, company they work for, and their number then tell them you will call them back. As a safeguard, you could call that company (as long as you know it's a legit company) and confirm the business and the caller. One of the most important RED FLAGS of a scammer is when they say "YOU WON" something you NEVER signed up for! Please just hang up. You know who you normally do business with regarding banking or credit card companies. Simply let them know you are calling the authorities and hang up. YOU are your best defense. It is almost impossible to track these scammers down so it's up to you to use your common sense and protect yourself.