Elections & Voting

Voter Registration

You may register to vote at the City Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday from 8:15 am to 5:00 pm.  Voter registration must be done at least 7-10 days prior to any election to be on the election day checklist.  These sessions are based on when the Supervisors of the Checklist need to meet prior to the election(s) or filing period(s).  Please reference the website for when the sessions are posted.  The Supervisors of the Checklist sessions are also an additional time to register to vote.  In addition, you may register to vote at the polls on election day.

Please bring a valid government issued photo ID, birth certificate or naturalization papers, when registering to vote.  You must also provide documentation showing that you have a domicile at the address provided on the voter registration form.

Do you know what your party affiliation is?

Please view the Franklin Voter Checklist posted in the lobby at City Hall or Visit the State’s Website:https://app.sos.nh.gov/viphome To change your party affiliation please come to the City Clerk’s Office any time during our normal business hours, there is a small form to fill out and please bring your Photo ID. 

Please visit the NH Election Division website for more information.

Supervisor of the Checklist Public Sessions

Located at the City Clerk's Office in City Hall

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

7:00-7:30 PM

*This session will be the last time voters will be able to change their political party affiliation until the conclusion of the NH State Primary in September.


2024 Election Schedule


NH State Primary- September 10th

City of Franklin Municipal Election-October 1st

NH General Election-November 5th


Filing for Office

Municipal Elections within the City of Franklin are held on the 1st Tuesday of October in each year, per City Charter C-7.  Filings will be taken at the City Clerk's Office during the filing period of August 14, 2024 - August 23, 2024 from 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  Candidates must be registered to vote in the City of Franklin. The Supervisor's of the Checklist will hold a session on August 13, 2024 to approve all pending registrations prior to the filing period. The filing fee for a Municipal Office is $3.00 per candidate.  Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (603) 934-3109 with any questions.

The City Election is on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, and the polls are open from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm.


Voting Locations & Polling Hours


Polling Hours:

All polling locations within the City of Franklin open at 8:00 am and close at 7:00 pm for all elections.

Voting Locations:

Ward 1: The Franklin Elks, 125 South Main Street

Ward 2: Franklin High School, 115 Central Street

Ward 3: Franklin Middle School, 200 Sanborn Street

Request An Absentee Ballot | New Hampshire Secretary of State (nh.gov)

Sample Ballots | New Hampshire Secretary of State (nh.gov)

Elected Officials


Debra Dear, Ward 1

Tamara Feener, Ward 2

Cameron Temple, Ward 3


Ward Clerks

Martin Russo, Ward 1

Janet Desrochers, Ward 2

Debbie Gibbs, Ward 3


Supervisors of Checklist

Christine Dzujna, Ward 1

Sharon DeNauw, Ward 1

Donna Liolis, Ward 1

Werner Horn, Ward 2

Tina Nelson, Ward 2

Laurie Cass, Ward 2

Daniel Darling, Ward 3

Gerard Desrochers, Ward 3

Al Warner, Ward 3

Political Signs


The City of Franklin follows suit with the State of New Hampshire's RSA 664:17 in regards to NOT posting political signs on the City of Franklin property.

RSA 664:17 regulates the placement of political advertising.

·    Public property – no political advertising shall be placed or affixed to any public property including highway rights-of-way
·    Private property – requires the owner's consent
·    Utility poles/highway signs – no political advertising is allowed
·    State-owned rights-of-way – political advertising is allowed as long as the advertising does not obstruct the safe flow of traffic and the advertising is placed with the consent of the owner of the land over which the right-of-way passes

Who can remove political signs?

RSA 664:14 controls the removal of political advertising.

Public property – state, city or town maintenance or law enforcement personnel

Private property – the property owner or those authorized by the property owner

Improper Political Advertising – law enforcement personnel may remove

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to City Clerk, Michelle Stanyan, at mstanyan@franklinnh.org