Hate Graffiti in Downtown Franklin

Citizens of Franklin - Last night a building down by Odell Park was vandalized with hate speech and slurs painted on the side of the old structure. The Franklin Police Department is working closely with the State of NH Attorney General's office which is tracking these events throughout the state to find and prosecute the perpetrators.  As you are aware, the Franklin City Council held a special meeting late summer to address this issue, and from that meeting published a Resolution clearly stating that the City of Franklin "does not condone any form of hate speech and condemns those who use such speech or attacks anyone via any means based on their race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin." 


Further, the Council approved the establishment of a Citizen's Task Force Against Hate whose mission is to promote inclusion and acceptance; to educate regarding intolerance; and to provide resources to victims of hate. "The task force is saddened by this display born of ignorance but heartened by the quick response of city officials to affirm that this type of conduct is not condoned in our city.”

In a state-wide Webinar held this fall, several communities came together to discuss this growing threat.  Our actions mirror many of theirs but a general consensus was that you fight hate with acceptance of all, tolerance of all and understanding through education - give hate no room to grow by stifling it with the positive.


Therefore all of us, regardless of our audience, need to be mindful of how we treat all of our citizens so that all can live and work in an environment where hate has no future.  We are not there, but our Task Force is a start.  The next meeting is Wednesday, Dec 14. For more information email citizentaskforceagainsthate@franklinnh.org

Working together as a community we will ensure that our City continues to be the best it can be.