Citizens of Franklin

-from Mayor Tony Giunta

We Will Persevere

My friends and neighbors, I’m not going to sugar-coat this… these are difficult times!  Our livelihoods are at risk, the health of our families and loved ones is being threatened, and our normal way of life has been severely disrupted.  If that isn’t bad enough, the 24-7 bombardment of media makes it nearly impossible to escape what is predominantly bad if not downright terrifying news.

As like all of you, there have been times in my life when I thought things just couldn’t get any worse.  When those times came around, I would often go to my dad to seek sympathy.  Now my dad, being a World War II veteran-who enlisted just in time to be placed on the front lines during the Battle of Bulge-would sit me down and share with me a war-time story that would quickly make me realize that my current situation was nothing compared to what my dad would call “a bad day”.

You see, it’s often about perspective.  Although probably forgotten, remember we’ve been here before… many times before!  In 2004 we had SARS, 2008 AVIAN, 2010 SWINE, 2012 MERS, 2014 EBOLA, 2016 ZIKA, and now CORONA.  And each time we were told we were in “unchartered territory”, “humans have no immunity”, and they were predicted to wipe out humanity as we know it.  Well, they didn’t, and neither will CORONA.  Unfortunately, like the common flu, many will get sick and some will die.  That said, if we follow the guidelines of our healthcare professionals, we will shorten its duration and we will persevere!

Two final important points.  Protective measures implemented by our Federal and State governments, although justified, is having a devasting effect on our local small businesses.  Please find ways to help and support them through these trying times.  And when this is over, let’s go out and do whatever we can to make their recovery fast and substantial.  As for your City Government-let me be the first to congratulate our City Manager, our Superintendent, their department heads, our police officers, firefighters, emergency responders, and every other City of Franklin employee.  They are all working around the clock to ensure public safety, protect our school children, and to make sure those vital services we take for granted like treating our wastewater, providing safe drinking water, maintaining our roads, and removing our trash continues without missing a beat.  I am so very grateful for all you do-and I speak on behalf of every citizen in our wonderful City when I say thank you for your service!

Spring is in the air, summer is on the way, and we will get through this.  Pray to God that these trying times will be over soon and thank God for the many blessings we take for granted every day.

Tony Giunta, Mayor City of Franklin