Community Strategies

Providing Information

Annual public Lunch n' Learn opportunities are held on local Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data to increase understanding and awareness of local youth data.

Franklin Youth Initiative (FYI) members and coalition members produce and record radio PSAs in partnership with 94.1 WFTN.

Home drug testing kits are made available to parents and other community members along with our informational brochure on using them as a communication tool and as a deterrent, not a punishment.

Coalition articles and ads are placed in newspaper sources in the surrounding area of Franklin which tie in prevention messaging and local, or sometimes national, data.

Enhancing Skills

Training provided for Franklin Youth Initiative (FYI) members by the Dover Youth to Youth Coalition.

Coalition members attend Life of an Athlete training for Community Champions.

Coalition Members attend national conferences and trainings to increase capacity in substance use prevention efforts. Such trainings include CADCA's National Coalition Academt, CADCA's National Leadership Forum and CADCA's MidYear Training Institute.

Coalition members who attend our workshops or monthly coalitoin meetings are trained as "Coalition Ambassadors" which teach and enhance skills necessary for one-on-one communication regarding our coalition and substance misuse prevention.

Providing Support

Co-sponsor of Franklin Area Walking Guide promoting healthy behavior and increasing awareness of drug free city park ordinances.

Co-Sponsor Franklin Area Children's Theater (FACT) Camp 1 which promotes mentorship and empowerment.

Providing volunteers and resources to support Chem Free After Prom Event.

Reducing Access

Installation of local RX Drug Take Back Box at the Franklin Police Department.

Participating in local, annual or semi-annual Drug Take Back Days promoting safe disposal (Semi-annual is dependent on DEA scheduling).

Participating in local, annual Hazardous Waste Day.

Changing Consequences (Incentives/Disincentives)

Increased police patrols in the downtown areas and at parks and trails.

Aided in fundraising for the purchase of a police K-9 for Franklin Police Department- a direct deterrent.

Coalition members created a Compliance Check Incentive Program that incentives local retailers to ensure ability to pass an annual, random Compliance Check- performed by Franklin PD.

Physical Design

Collaborated with City of Franklin to increase signage and visibility of drug and alcohol free park signage.

FYI Students participate in  “sticker shock” campaigns around the holiday season and Prom/Graduation season gaining awareness for underage drinking laws and consequences.

FYI students conducted an Environmental Scan in Spring 2015 and in partnership with the coalition were successful in engaging a local business owner to remove numerous highly visible tobacco and alcohol ads located outside of their establishment.

Modifying/Changing Policies

Franklin was the first city in NH to adopt a local ordinance banning the sale of the drugs K2 and Spice and has served as a model for other NH communities.

FYI students have actively participated in advocating at the state level against the decriminalization of marijuana, and were successful in helping kill a state decriminalization bill (HB 1526) in 2012.

Local healthcare provider working diligently at the state level to bring forth the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program enabling NH to better track RX Drug Use and Abuse.

The strategies seen above are based off of CADCA's National Coalition Institute's Seven Strategies for Community Change.