Computer Use Policy


               The Franklin Public Library provides free and equal access to information and ideas through books, programs and other resources (including computers) to all members of the community.

               Our computers offer filtered access to the internet

               You are expected to use the computer responsibly.  Due to a lack of private space for adult viewing only, you must not have images on your screen that could be inappropriate for children.  The Board of Trustees leaves it up to the discretion of the library staff to oversee this aspect of computer use.  Staff may find it necessary to ask that objectionable use of the computer be curtailed and, if the problem is ongoing with a particular patron, the Director has the authority to take away that patron's computer privileges.

               You must register for computer use at the circulation desk.  You may sign up for one 60-minute period per day.  You may continue to use the computer if the next period is unreserved.  You may reserve time in advance and we will honor a 10-minute grace period.  Unreserved periods may be used on a walk-in basis.  Please log off the computer at the end of your period.

               Printing is permitted at $.10 per page.  You are financially responsible for what you print.

               Interference with another customer's use of the computer is prohibited.  Illegal use of the Internet is prohibited.  Computer use may be denied to anyone who violates the terms of this policy.